Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ribbon strap for family and friends....and for sale,anyone interested?

Now, my project are making lots of ribbon Christmas gift for my friends and family and of course..for sale too ! Doing crafts means having to spend lots of $$ but for me more to collecting craft items..i guess..coz many still left undone in the cabinet,boxes and drawers. Some are meant to do it with my kids when they are up to the age, very soon ya. They are always so curious about the things I have ..and I'm so greedy to buy so many craft things which cost quite huge an amount if you really count every sen or it.Phew !

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

decorated wooden peg

How about decorating the simple wooden peg with fabric tape? These are what I did..simple ones, just cut the fabric tape and stick onto the peg. maybe i could decorate it further with buttons or appliques.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

eraser made with eraser clay

erasers made with eraser clay

These are all made by me.1st time trying out eraser clay. need to knead the clay, create and bake it in an electric oven for 10mins @100 degree celcius. The result is really great! After baking,its a bit shiny.Mummy (that's me) is beginning to get addicted to making erasers ! My kids would love it too,that's for sure. Will get them started one of these days.They can create their own items with their imagination by the process of playing .If you are interested can also email me for details.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

hairclips my projects are making hairclips.Lots of them. For my lovely girl and anyone who likes them.More practise is needed to produce better works. Ya, I will try to do it better each time.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I did all these felt brooches in one day !Phew ! So happy that I did it!Will continue to do more.Which one do you prefer?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

polymer clay

My latest project..making cute things out of polymer clay.Its really fun creating items like the above and you can use it as a fridge magnet,hairclip,keychain,bookmark etc.The best part is that you can play with colours ! Happy viewing !

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

my felt bookmarks

Can't stop browsing those cute stuffs made by felt until my eyes got really tired and i need to take action ! What action ? Well..I need to do 'hands on'..I can't just be looking and looking and not doing anything. It's more tiring this way ( too much clicking on the mouse!!)so I decided to make some bookmarks out of felt. Fast and easy.Since it was quite simple even for young children, i also prepared some materials for other children to join me for the craft session.My boy really enjoyed it too.

a simple Chinese New Year decoration at home

CNY hair clip

Sunday, February 27, 2011

ah girl loves to pose for the !

It's not easy to take ah boy's photo coz he's always reluctant to pose for the camera. When he is ready,then you will know it.This is a nice one !

so much fun !